Technology Blog
This blog is not maintained. It is a personal knowledge repository and includes incomplete submissions.
How to host multiple subdomains with a single IP address on a Linux Apache Server
How HTML elements get their style properties and how CSS conflicts are resolved
In Unix or Linux, how to determine the length of the longest line in a text file
Google Maps not working in Adobe AIR Reference Error: Cant find variable: google
How to deconstruct the ARGB values from the UINT returned by bitmapData.getPixel(x,y)
Installing the Adobe AIR 2.5 SDK Plug-In for Dreamweaver
How to determine the battery status of a Linux Netbook from the command line
How do I fit a collection of x,y points to a closed form equation, such as a multi-order polynomial, using Excel ?
SQLite WHERE fails for DATE datatype comparison
2942 Ruckus
How to Encode or Save BitmapData to PNG using Adobe AIR and Javascript
What is the native path to app-storage: for an Adobe Air Application
How to Pass Arguments to an Event Handler Callback in Javascript
How to modify your PATH environment variable UNIX
How to hide all desktop icons Mac OS X
How to View Android Debug Log Output
How to fix long start times and blank white screen for Android Apps built on Phonegap and jQTouch
Android Package fails to Import
Executing multiple commands with Javascript setTimeout
How to Publish to Google Play (formerly the Android Market)
Creating multiple clones using jQuery clone
Event not found when binding events using jQuery live() or bind()
Programmatically Simulate an A HREF Click Event when using jQTouch
Determine the number of ssh failed login attempts on a Linux server
How to convert a rounded rectangle in Adobe Illustrator CS5 to outlines or pure vectors
Caution when using for in iterator method with Javascript Arrays
How to parse HTML files as PHP an Apache Server
Multiple Examples of Javascript Objects and Classes
How to Format a USB Drive in Ubuntu
How to Connect Android Phone in USB Debug Mode
How to compile and install an application to your Android phone from the command line
Android error RFCOMM_CreateConnection - already opened state:2, RFC state:4, MCB state:5 when attempting to Bluetooth Socket
How to determine the number of unique column entries in CSV data using Unix
Unable to launch the Visual Studio Development Server because port is in use
How to create a static method extension in .NET
Visual Studio Unit Test does not hit break points
Javascript file fails to load
How to integrate a Javascript or jQuery widget
How to convert a DateTime to an ISO String (UTC) in T-SQL
Add a column to a table in and change the datatype of a table column in T-SQL
How to convert a string to a JSON as the return result for a .NET ActionResult
How to fix the error: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method get_Item(Int32) method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
.NET Entity Framework Unable to update the EntitySet because it has a DefiningQuery and no
.NET Entity Framework Error: Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: A circular reference was detected while serializing an object of type System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies.Client
403 Errors and Other Errors after Publish of .NET MVC Project
How to fix the .Net error: Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF
How to determine how long a TSQL query takes to run
How to programatically detect if you are running Visual Studio in Debug mode
How to pass a value from .NET Config File (WebConfig) to Javascript
How to conditionally add Javascript code if you are in Visual Studio debug mode
Click of li with class arrow may trigger second unwanted click of another element when using jQTouch
Animate callback not working zeptojs
How to stop an animation with zepto.js
How to add a char or string prefix to specific column in a SQL table and then remove that prefix later
How to copy data from a table in one database to a table in another db t-sql
How to copy a column from a table in one database to a table in another database
Setting the Web Project as the starting project does not stay set in .NET VS
A System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection cannot be cast to B System.Web.WebPages.Razor.Configuration.HostSection. .NET VS
Using TI cc2540 cc2541 32kHz Crystal Oscillator as a RTCC
IAR Compiler error Undefined external GAP_DeviceDiscoveryRequest relay TI CC2540
How to convert a CBPeripheral kCBAdvDataManufacturerData to an NSString iOS
Edmx does not autogenerate the return result class of a stored procedure
Programtically setting properties of a UITextView iOS
How to delete a single bond for a given bond index from TI cc2540(cc2540x)
Can not undo pending changes in Visual Studio 2013
Button text appears twice in IE (Internet Explorer)
cc2540 consumes too much power
How to duplicate and rename Xcode project and associated folders
How to restart a Microsoft Sql Server
Can not install an Ad Hoc deployed IPA even though the UDID was added to the certificate
Resubmitted iOS App fails to upload be cause it is missing 64-bit support
How to access the IPN History page to resend PayPal notifications to your server
jQuery code snippet that shows listings that have a high attendee count
How long does it take the cc2540 to perform an AES-128 encryption using LL_Encrypt
Errors when executing brew install node on OSX
How to update an SSL certificate on an CentOS Apache Server
Mining hashrate of GPU drops unexpectedly
Visual Studio debugger reports critical error in (unknown source location)\n\nSCRIPT1007: Expected ']'