Mechanical Hair Straightener
The current hair straigtening techniques use either chemical
(i.e., by altering the sulfide bonds), or thermal processes
(e.g., a flat iron).
The proposed solution attaches sections of 3000 grit sandpaper
to a broad tooth comb. Small sections of sandpaper are cut, then folded
around each tooth of the comb (around 50 teeth), and glued in place.
Hair diameter is around 70um and 3000grit sandpaper
(actually silicon carbide paper) has particle sizes around 8um.
So in therory the hair should be polished, smoothed, and straightened
with each pass of the comb.
I use the comb about once a week and I think it works. But I need to
collect formal data and take microscopic photos to determine if it is
really working. My hair is currently too short (see photo upper left)
for good self-experimentation. Also this approach may leave hair brittle
or damaged but I have not personally observed this.
See also